I'm Roy, an Artist, DevOps Engineer, and all around web craftsman.

I am a software engineer aspiring to create world-class software. With a diverse skill set spanning docker-based SDLC automation, Systems Engineering, DevOps, Full-Stack Software Engineering, and Web Design, I bring a unique blend of technical expertise and creative solutions to every project. I thrive on blending technical expertise with creative ingenuity to deliver exceptional outcomes in every project I undertake.

Throughout my career, I've been driven by the belief that everyone, from users, to content creators, to SaaS operators, deserves a good web experience. My mission has been to empower businesses and organizations to achieve this goal by architecting reliable, maintainable, and secure websites, web applications, and the infrastructure that powers them. I excel when given the opportunity to refine code bases and enhance projects to their fullest potential. I've achieved success by spearheading the definition and implementation of process within teams, leveraging my years of experience and willingness to assist others. Additionally, I actively learn from my colleagues, constantly seeking opportunities to elevate both myself and those around me.

I am currently working on building a client portal built with Ruby on Rails to support my wife's business. Recently, I played a pivotal role in enabling a startup to scale and enhance its mobile application by revamping its backend infrastructure into a robust, docker-based cloud setup. I spearheaded the implementation of continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines, fostering a DevOps mindset within the team. Additionally, I've been instrumental in enhancing their Ruby on Rails codebase, tackling performance issues, and introducing new features. Additionally, I've provided invaluable support to startups through technical project management, marketing initiatives, and development support with React + NextJS, Ruby on Rails, Terraform, and AWS.

Beyond my professional endeavors, I'm an avid reader and learner, an artist, and love to discover new incredible restaurants with my wife. We have a wonderful little corgi Olive. I am also an aspiring photographer and artist. I have a deep passion for electronic music and spent several years as an after-hours DJ, was co-host of an underground radio station, and was an early podcast adopter with a project called Lunchbox Radio.


A few projects and companies I have worked with recently.

If you want to work on a project with me then let's connect!

Mindfulness Standard

Partnered with the team to provide some relief for their primary developer, help squash bugs, create new features, and build marketing pages

The Mindfulness Standard is dedicated to providing teachers that have completed high level training programs that enhance competencies, but more importantly they are deep practitioners of meditation and embody those qualities in their personal and professional lives. They are dedicated to continuing growth in teaching mindfulness. The Mindfulness Standard has screened all of the teachers listed to ensure that they have completed the required training to achieve teaching competencies required for Mindfulness Based Interventions (MBI) programs.

I worked the Mindfulness Standard team on their NextJS application, squashing bugs, creating new features and components, and providing some light technical project management to ensure smooth flow of work. I also created landing pages to promote key features of the service to targeted groups.



Consultation for re-platforming the company's SaaS to AWS, managing infrastructure with Terraform, and creating a new DevOps pipeline.

NetYield is a completely cloud-based accounting and inventory management solution designed specifically for seafood companies.

We worked together to strategize re-platforming their cloud-based software into a container-based highly-available cloud infrastructure at AWS.

I provided training for the engineering team on using Terraform to manage their cloud infrastructure, as well as performed weekly code-reviews on their progress. I also walked through the process of creating pipeline code (written in Ruby) to facilitate continuous integration with the new cloud infrastructure. I provided documentation and weekly meetings consisting of presentations and training on various aspects of the process, including good practices for managing their infrastructure as code (IaC), configuring their applications to work well in Docker, automating the build and testing of Docker images, and automating deployments to testing and production environments for continuous deployment.

I've watched Roy take two different companies into the cloud era, build out their CI/CD pipelines, and build developer tools. He is a deep well of knowledge on AWS, Terraform, and Docker.

After seeing his previous work, NetYield hired him to facilitate our AWS transition. We saw immediate results and would recommend him as an expert cloud developer!

- Lead Engineer at NetYield


Hunt Regs App

Containerization of Backend API, design and deployment of highly-available cloud infrastructure, and implementation of DevOps practices into company's processes.

Hunt Regs, the first mobile app that enables hunters to quickly determine the regulations for their specific hunting location, as well as pattern individual animals using their own observational data.

I helped this startup setup their backend infrastructure to scale and support their recently launched mobile application. I re-platformed the backend APIs from a single server into a highly-available docker based cloud infrastructure. I implemented continuous integration and continuous deployment by creating an automated pipeline to build, test, and deploy the backend API services, and by teaching through doing to think like DevOps and integrate early and often. Aside from the ops work I also introduced new features and fixed performance issues to the Ruby on Rails code base.


Blackbird Logistics

As a full-time employee I was responsible for managing the company's DevOps pipeline, cloud infrastructure, build tooling, and working with engineering teams to create amazing software!

Blackbird is a software and services company that provides marketing tools and transportation solutions for cannabis operators.

When Roy started at Blackbird we were deploying our codebase to production manually once every two to three months at 2:00am while hyped up on too much coffee. Thanks to the infrastructure, development processes, and DevOps pipeline he built (essentially single-handedly) over the past several years, we now deploy to production multiple times a day with no fear and full confidence in the robustness of our infrastructure.

Roy is a phenomenal communicator, extremely generous with his time helping others, and does a great job teaching fellow devs and non-technical stakeholders about the areas he owns in a way that everybody can easily understand and digest. From playing a leading role in our book club, to sharing his experience and thoughts around effective agile processes and hiring frameworks, Roy is someone who made everyone’s work life better.

- Director of Software Development



Nicole Lindauer

Graphic Design, Logo Development, Web Development, Branding, and custom Application Development

Nicole Lindauer is a Somatic Yoga Educator certified through the Novato Institute for Somatic Research and Training.

I worked hand in hand with Nicole to develop a brand and logo that represented the pilars of her work and practice. From there we utilized Squarespace to help us launch a new website quickly. In addition we created a collection of brand collateral for print and digital use. After launch I developed a custom Ruby on Rails application to support her business and help manage clients.

In addition I support her growing business with a custom client portal built with Ruby on Rails.


Side Projects

Side projects and non client things I have worked on recently and tinker with in my free time.

Simple Site Monitor

This is a service providing availability monitoring of my various websites and projects. It is built with Ruby on Rails and uses Sidekiq for background processing. It's my most recent project and current focus. I have always wanted a simple way to monitor my sites and services and this is my attempt at building that. I really just want to know when something is down so I can fix it (which to be honest happens rarely). I also want a single place to monitor things like, sitemap health, broken links, general lightweight SEO related things, but also some custom checks like, is my SSL certificate about to expire, or to check if my DNS records are what I expect. It's been educational and fun to build so far!


My Personal Website

My personal website, most recently built with Ruby on Rails (currently now a static site). I use it to showcase my work and write about things I find interesting. I also use it as a place to experiment with new technologies and ideas. It has been rewritten countless times since I registered the domain in 2005. The last version was built with Ruby on Rails, a custom/boutique CSS framework built on iotacss, and a sprinkle of JavaScript via StimulusJS. It has been my favorite version so far as I just love Ruby and Ruby on Rails. I used Kamal to deploy, Ansible to configure infrastructure, and OpenTofu for provisioning infrastructure at Digital Ocean. I learned a lot about building reusable rails features and structuring rails applications. I ultimately have decided to sunset it to focus on other projects.


My Homelab

My homelab is a collection of servers and networking equipment I use to learn new technologies and experiment with different setups. I have a Dell server running Proxmox with several VMs and containers running various services, two old macbooks pro (running Prometheus and Grafana, and the other for running misc Docker things), a NAS for backups, and an old iMac to act as a dashboard for monitoring. I use Ansible to manage the whole thing.


My Very First Website

The very first "real" website I built in 2004 for my sister. She still uses it, and I continue to update it as necessary. It was built with PHP 4 originally, and over time I have upgraded it to PHP 8 and migrated to use symfony components. This year marks the 20th year of the website being online :D


Various GitHub Repositories