Week 4

I did it!

One month of wrangling willpower, of managing impulse control.

One month of daily meditation.

One month of going to be early, and waking at 6am.

Feels incredible. Also makes me laugh, that at 43 years old I finally discovered that maybe a little structure and discipline is a good thing.

Next goal, 3 months.

To kinda recap for myself. I intended to do very little in January. To do more, by doing less. To mostly focus on developing willpower as a muscle. If I look at the entire month I would say it was a success. As a result of that discipline and effort, without necessarily trying, I was able to read several books, build some fun tools in Go and Ruby, watch some excellent movies, and spend good time with my family. Those extra hours in the morning add up to a lot. That intentional wind down time at night, equally important.

The larger goal of killing the screen addiction is still in play. It will only get easier, like with any addiction. The longer the pauses become between impulse and action the easier it becomes to quit. That space is growing, and it’s getting every so slightly easier to say no, and turn a screen off.

Small changes, consistently over time, can have a very large impact.
